Becoming a Nutritionist — Is Nutritional Therapy School for You?

Nutrition with Judy
8 min readNov 3, 2022

Do you have a calling to help people heal through diet and lifestyle?

Do you believe in a whole food diet for optimal health?

Do you want to further your education?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, nutrition school might just be for you! With holistic nutrition on the rise, there has been an increase in courses, certificates, and programs. We love to see this community grow, but how does one pick and choose what program will suit them with all the influx in programs?

Ask Yourself Some Hard Questions:

  • How much time can you dedicate to studying?
  • What areas are you most interested in?
  • Does the program align with your values?
  • How much can you spend?

We drive into some of the top programs in the industry to help you narrow down your decision.

Nutrition Therapy Association (NTA)

The NTA was founded by Gray and Joy Graham originally as a vocational school to train…



Nutrition with Judy

Meat-Based | Keto | Fat Burning Nutritional Therapist IG:@nutritionwithjudy