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Foods to Eat when Healing and for Immune Support
Now, more than ever, it is critical to take care of our bodies. While every practitioner and medical company is out to make a pretty penny with immune-supporting supplements, let’s stop focusing on band-aids and temporary fixes and focus on healing the root cause. Let’s focus on getting back to optimal health and having a stronger body. Stronger body = stronger immune system. Remember, always support the gut because 70–80% of our immune cells are in the gut.
Here are some of my recommendations to support healing. Healing from a virus or even from an injury or for wound healing.
1. Protect the Brain
Inflammation is when the immune system is activated because an invader is detected. Depending on the type of virus and what white cells go to work, you will feel (or not feel) any of the symptoms. Usually, the immune system kills off the invader in less than a week’s time.
So feeling a fever, run down, inflammation is our immune response as the white cells try to fight off the invader and heal.
Studies show that mice would lose appetites with viruses but would eat again after the flu. Depending on the virus and/or bacteria, our immune cells that go to work differ and thus the inflammatory responses will differ…