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Microblog: Antinutrients — Swap This for That
Lots of questions regarding vegetables in broth! I will share a few antinutrient posts to help understand which plants are toxic and which are less so. (note: it does not say beneficial).
❓I asked Sally for the safest low oxalate foods and here’s some that you can consider.
💥From an oxalate antinutrient point of view, these are the safest seasonings for your foods. These seasonings have been double and triple checked to ensure they are low in oxalates.
⚠️One thing I do want to note is that these seasonings are just representing oxalates. They may have other antinutrients but the damage is probably minimal. Other than lectins and phytates, oxalates are probably the most lethal antinutrients.
💡The best way to make sure your body can enjoy any of these seasonings is by trying the highest quality ones (organic and locally sourced) and try one seasoning at a time. If you have no food sensitivities or allergy-like symptoms, you should be fine to consume these seasonings.
⚖️I personally don’t use any seasonings. Garlic makes me bloat and for reasons other than oxalates (high in other antinutrients). If I dine out and the BBQ has a rub or meat has pepper on it (and yes, even black pepper), I still eat it. If you guys have followed me for a…