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Microblog: Choose Your Steak — Watermelon vs. Beef
Plant-based diets love to make mock versions of meats.
🐄I have several posts on beef’s nutrient profile. So let’s talk about watermelon steak.
👩🏻🍳First, let’s talk about preparation: It’s straightforward: cook on the pan and add some salt, maybe some balsamic vinegar. You can add vegetable fat, but most recipes do not call for fat.
💪🏼Now let’s talk about nutrition. I was surprised at the nutrition in watermelon. While it’s very minimal, there is still some (but very minimal compared to a beef-cut steak).
🍉Watermelon steak is served as a complete meal. But it’s not complete in nutrition. Nowhere near complete. I was generous and didn’t include all the deficiencies.
🚫It’s missing almost all B-vitamins, though it does have some folate (thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin D, Copper, Manganese, Omega 3-all missing).
🤏🏻It has a small amount of fat-soluble vitamin A, no vitamin D and trace amounts of E and K. But remember, without any fat with watermelon steak, will any of these fat-soluble vitamins get absorbed?
⚠️And this doesn’t even consider if you can convert vitamin A to the useable form. AND it doesn’t even consider that all fat-soluble vitamins work together. With the lack of…