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Microblog: Eating Disorder Statistics — Binge Eating Disorder
Many people think eating disorders are a female-thing. But it’s not. It can happen to anyone. Overtime, people with eating disorders lose the ability to see themselves objectively and their unhealthy relationship to food dominates their entire life.
🤕Eating disorders can be genetic or caused by psychological issues (as we’ve seen in the Minnesota Starvation Study) like coping skills, control issues, trauma, family trouble or social issues.⠀
Here are some facts on Eating Disorders:⠀
1️⃣30 million suffer from an eating disorder in their lifetime⠀
2️⃣1 in 4 individuals with eating disorders are men⠀
3️⃣4 out of 10 Americans have either suffered or knows someone who has suffered from an eating disorder⠀
4️⃣Every 62 minutes someone dies from an eating disorder. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.⠀
5️⃣64% of individuals with bulimia (binge/purge-some type of compensatory behavior for bingeing) have a near-normal body weight⠀
6️⃣Only 1 out of 10 people with eating disorders receive treatment⠀
7️⃣50% of women use unhealthy behaviors to control their weight⠀
8️⃣37% of men who binge experience depression⠀
9️⃣43% of men are dissatisfied with their bodies⠀
🔟70% of 18–30 years olds don’t like their body.⠀
🤢Binge Eating Disorder⠀
BED is now an actual eating disorder diagnosis in the DSM-5 which was released by the American…