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Microblog: Estrogens in Meat — The Hormone Levels in Food
Have you ever worried about xenoestrogens and growth hormones in your meat? How about antibiotics?
❓Concerned with rising meat prices?
❓Do you know how meat gets to your grocery store?
❓Do you know how grass-fed or grain-fed differ?
❓Do you wonder how to best support your local farmers?
🎙I asked Paul about growth hormone injections and antibiotics. He shared these graphics with us. And as I said on the podcast, we tend to grab onto these small truths and nuances in nutrition.
A lot.
And most of us buy into it.
🌟But the truth is that context matters.
📖How many of you were worried about the hormones in your meat? I honestly was until I wrote @CarnivoreCure and did the research.
🌱I used to be plant-based, ate tofu multiple times a week on top of a bed of nearly 16 ounces of spinach a day. Some days, I even added quinoa for good measure.
And never once did I worry about estrogens then.
📊These graphics are a great reality check of why context matters.
❓Does non-growth hormone meat have less estrogen?