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Microblog: How Do You Make the Most of Your Time?
Every single one of us wants more time…
Time to…
⏱Eat and exercise well.
⏱Spend time with loved ones
⏱Finish the lower priority items on our to-do list
Days, weeks, and months pass in a blink of an eye. We all know time is short.
❓So how do you make the most of your time?
Or let me ask it this way.
❓How do you see yourself? How would you define YOU?
🤳🏼Many of us view ourselves in a certain way. But when we consider what we do with our free time, we often don’t spend time on the things that we’d like to define us.
👩🏻🏫I define myself as @nutritionwithjudy where I strive to always learn and improve to serve my community and clients with the best information possible.
I strive to be anti-dogma because I know science and my real-life clients don’t always mirror one another.
🧂But most of all, I define myself as a wife, mother and daughter. I also define myself as (ideally) salt of this world.
And knowing that, I always ask if I live each day doing the things that would define me in this way when I die.