Member-only story
Microblog: Kale Has Some of the Most Pesticide Residues
When I was plant-based (12 years), I loved vegetables. But I NEVER liked kale. When I ate the large leaves, I’d chew many, many times and I still felt like I was choking and swallowing shards of glass, I mean grass.
🌿I thought kale was healthy and ate kale for years (mostly raw.)
So when I researched kale, I was not happy.
❌WHOever decided kale was a SUPER food was so unbelievably wrong.
⚠️Kale is now on the EWG’s Dirty Dozen list. Of ALL the plant-based foods you can eat, kale has some of the most pesticide residues.
☠️Over 92% of kale had residue from 2+ pesticides, EVEN AFTER washing and peeling. Some had up to 18 pesticides!
☠️Almost 60% of kale samples showed residual Dacthal, a pesticide that is known as a possible human carcinogen.
☠️USDA data shows that 30% of kale samples also had residue of imidacloprid, a potentially neurotoxic neonicotinoid insecticide.
❓So who makes imidacloprid? Bayer.
(who also owns Monsanto aka glyphosate aka Round-up.) Imidaloprid is one of the main reasons we’re seeing the loss of bee populations.
🚫 This is why Dacthal and imidacloprid are both banned in the E.U.