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Microblog: Pharmakeia — The Use of Medicine, Drugs or Spells
I like etymology. That’s how I figured out butter is the richest form of butyrate. The word butyric acid is from the Latin word, butyrum, the same origins for the word butter.
💊Pharmacy and pharmaceutical comes from the Greek word, pharmakeia. Here are some of the definitions of the word:
1. The use of or the administering of drugs
2. Poisoning
3. Sorcery, magical arts, idolatry
📖Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i’-ah)
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment
🔍We usually consider pharmaceuticals as the first definition but maybe we should also be considering the second one, (maybe even the third).
💉But at a certain point, we need to wonder what’s going on. The common cold is a virus. The flu too. We’ve never successfully been able to find a shot that can take care of the common cold. We have a lackluster success rate with the yearly flu shot, maybe 30%.
❓If we know these things to hold true, how can a shot that uses such new science (mRNA) be so guaranteedly safe for a brand-new virus?