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Microblog: The US and NZ Are the Only Countries That Allow Pharmaceutical Drug Commercials
Ever notice any media platform you’re on, you get fed drug ads?
⚠️The US and NZ are the only countries where drug makers are allowed to market prescription drugs directly to consumers.
📺In 1997, when the FDA relaxed its guidelines around media advertisements, U.S. consumer drug advertising started on TV.
❗️The FDA does not approve prescription drug ads in advance.
❗️Ads are submitted to the FDA ONLY when they FIRST appear in public.
‼️Consumers can see inaccurate ads BEFORE the FDA had time to review them and make corrections.
👨🏻⚕️Ads work so well that most doctors don’t have to recommend medications. Their patients push for the sale.
💰In 2016, $5.2 BILLION was used by the drug industry in advertising.
💸Drug advertising increased by 60% from 2012–2016.
💡And if you’re a business, advertising is a business expense that gets tax write-offs.
💡Another fun fact: If you’re a business, you CANNOT write off donations to political anythings. But you CAN write off donations to registered 501(c) charities. (e.g., the Gates Foundation)