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Microblog: What the Grease — Some Ideas on Easing the Grease Load
If you love to eat animal fat, you probably don’t like the cleanup.
🧈When I first ate a ketogenic diet, I hated how the grease was e v e r y w h e r e. I hated it so much that I made the first version of this graphic back then.
🥗One thing I do miss about low-fat plant-based diets. Cleanup was super easy.
🌟So here are some tips to handle the grease that comes with fat.
I use splatter screens the most and of course, the air fryer.
🥩@lauraespath makes fun of my air fryer steaks and while it may not be as tasty as a grilled steak, you can’t argue convenience.
🧽I also have kitchen rags that I use to clean the dining table and that I use to clean the stove nightly. I replace the rag daily and I don’t have and greasy residue. It’s worked well for me over the years.
🥓We talk in detail about a diet trend called Keto Lite. We talk about the various keto diets that we noticed when we were eating a classical keto diet. We also discuss what did and did not work for us.
Overall, we think Keto Lite is a great option for moderators.
🔊Make sure to check out the podcast to learn about Keto Lite and our take on keto diets.