Member-only story
Weekdays with Judy — Life lessons and reasons why I write
I love reading. No, I don’t really but I love learning. I love to absorb as much information about life and human society. I studied psychology and communications in school. When I was younger I read Tuesdays with Morrie and I cried like a baby. There was something about that book that opened my eyes to life– actually, it was that I felt like Morrie went inside my heart and soul and regurgitated what I believed were the true values in life. Unknowingly, I had a soul mate all along (sorry, husband).
And I love to write. I’ve journaled my whole life. I literally have over 10 diaries from the time I was in elementary into my early 30s (yes, starting each entry with “dear diary” and all). I believe in theories, sequences, patterns and the universe kind of all working together in some sort of order. I feel like the longer we are on this earth, the more we start to make out the individual pieces (think life as slowly solving a 5000 piece puzzle) and the more I saw patterns in life (psychology major coming into play?) I wanted to note it, document it and most of all, share and inspire others with it.
I feel like I’m a better communicator with the written word. I am able to lay out my thoughts clearly but not so concisely… Even in my current day job, I am known to be one of the best at summarizing meetings into the written word (nothing to be proud of). When I was young and had much time on my hands, I dreamt of writing my own book and getting published. It has been over 10 years and all I have…